What is the Splash Zone?
Wireless communications help to reduce the risks of splash zone monitoring
What is the Splash Zone?
Often considered as practically inaccessible, DNV’s description of the splash zone in Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C101 as “the part of a support structure that is intermittently exposed to seawater due to the action of tides or waves” is disarmingly innocuous.

What does It Do?
Transmission from sensor to shore
Offshore windfarm and oil and gas operators managing structures in the splash zone know all too well that the true impact of this exposure is much more mission-critical and difficult to address.
Constant monitoring is required to deal with fatigue, corrosion, strain, pressure, temperature and currents in turbid, choppy, ambient light and bio-fouled environments, and as especially as conditions evolve with climate change.
This is where CSignum’s EM-2 wireless communications technology developed using patented electromagnetic field signaling (EMFS) technology provides an immediate solution.
Obtaining adequate data on conditions in the splash zone is essential for reducing the risk and cost of any required intervention such as a repair or parts replacement.
Traditional wired monitoring systems introduced two challenges to an already highly difficult situation, first in installing wired systems and protecting the cabling, secondly in their maintenance.
In harsh and dynamic conditions where corrosion and marine growth can quickly impair monitoring performance, CSignum’s simple and reliable, self-contained wireless solution means that divers, teams, equipment and budgets can focus on platform maintenance, by facilitating effective and reliable monitoring.
The first and only platform to carry data with low frequency electromagnetic fields, nature’s perfect through-the-surface communications method for wireless data transport between more devices in more places than ever before.
The first and only platform to carry data with low frequency electromagnetic fields, nature’s perfect through-the-surface communications method for wireless data transport between more devices in more places than ever before.